Do you want to get out of debt but don’t want to live on beans and rice?

Do you want to get out of debt but you don’t want to live on beans and rice?

Are you not so much gazelle intense as you are gazelle at nap time?

That’s called being Daveish and we’re here for it. We’d rather you start with what you can than not do it at all!

Do you want to get out of debt but you don’t want to live on beans and rice?

We are going to talk to you today about how you can be on a budget, get out of debt, save money and build wealth without having to sacrifice everything about your lifestyle.

If you love Dave Ramsey and what he teaches but have a hard time implementing it in real life, read on.

First, let us tell you about our clients who:

  • Paid $2K off in 2 months while still getting her hair and nails done.
  • Our client who paid off $56K in debt in 18 months while still going on several vacations each year.
  • One of our clients paid off her van in less than a year while also spending $1200 on groceries every month. (They eat high quality, whole foods)
Our client paid $2K off in 2 months while still getting her hair and nails done. 

Stop telling yourself that you can't do this.

Everyone has things that are important to them, and they’re all unique. You can keep what you hold dear while also making progress on being on a budget, paying off debt and building wealth.

So, how do you do it?

First of all, realize it’s your budget, your way. Every single budget is different. That’s okay! Your budget does not have to be like anyone else’s! Plus, if you’re not realistic to your budget, you won’t end up sticking to it anyway.

And by the way, no matter how bougie you are, there’s always some way to start & something to trim.

No matter how bougie you are, there's always some way to trim the budget.

There is a balance to be had between enjoying life, being healthy and being financially responsible. It’s not one or the other. It’s an art!

So, start small. Pick something you can work on like using cash for restaurants or cutting back on restaurants. Then be super disciplined on your one thing. Allow that one thing to help you build momentum.

You want to establish what we call “bias for the start.” That is, what can you do that will make it super easy and no drama to just get started? Then, once you’re started you might find yourself getting even more serious.

It’s kind of like when you tell yourself “I’ll just workout for five minutes” but then you talk yourself into going longer. The hardest part is always starting.

Many times we make things super complicated so we have an excuse to quit or give up or, worse yet, not start at all. In this case, you might convince yourself that cash envelopes are too hard or budgets are for math people or that your particular situation just doesn’t lend itself to this system.

Wrong! That’s just your self-sabotage at work. That means so often we unconsciously give ourselves an excuse not to start or stick with it.

That’s okay though! Now you’re going to stop making excuses and start somewhere.

There is a middle ground for you, ready and waiting somewhere in between beans and rice and spending all of your money every paycheck!

Book Your Free Call Now!

We are excited to create the time & space to talk to you about your current money situation. This is a free, no-obligation call where we can answer questions you may have and maybe find some quick wins for your budget.

What do you have to lose?

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